The press talks about it
Julien Nonnon at Constellations
News report from France 2's 1 p.m. newscast on August 25, 2018
The Constellation festival, held annually in Metz, is one of the region's most important events for music and contemporary art. In 2018, this event hosted several renowned artists, including Julien Nonnon.
Julien Nonnon is a French artist known for his original and bold works, which often blend urban art, painting and photography. For the 2018 Constellation Festival, he presented a series of murals inspired by the landscapes and architecture of the Metz region.
His works have been enthusiastically received by the public and critics alike, who have appreciated his mix of bright colors and bold lines. Several of his murals have been installed in the streets of the city, offering visitors the opportunity to discover his work in unexpected and surprising ways.
In all, Julien Nonnon created several works for the 2018 Constellation Festival, which helped make it an even more vibrant and artistically rich event. His talent and creativity were praised by the public and critics alike, and helped make this festival an unforgettable moment for all who attended.
Street-art: animated facades
News report from the JT France 3 19/20 on June 6, 2017
Light can now replace paint on city walls, a French artist is making a lot of noise around the world.
When night falls, they can be seen appearing on city walls. In Orlando, Paris or Madrid, these luminous images are video mapping, a new digital art that is taking over the street. For some time now, there has been a lot of talk about them on social networks. With his team, the graphic designer, Julien Nonnon is part of the mapping pros..
Couples kissing on the walls
Several months ago in Paris, the street-artist had already made himself noticed with this project and these luminous images, all kinds of couples kissing on the walls of the Cité de la mode et du design. For this work of street-art, they casted hundreds of couples on Facebook and today, these images of couples continue to live a little everywhere as here in Montmartre. Unusual images that suddenly enhance the relief of the facades.
Artist Julien Nonnon: "Screen art is a kind of street cinema!"
Télérama, 2018
He made a tiger run on the walls of Paris, illuminated Stockholm, Hong Kong or Orlando with his funny animals, and even transformed a street into a giant video game. With his ephemeral projections, Julien Nonnon has become a major figure of street art...
#LE_BAISER de Julien Nonnon
Article dans le Journal du Design
Presented several times (to find all the articles, click here), Julien Nonnon, street-artist adept of Video-Mapping, illuminates once again the walls of Paris with his talent. Entitled #le_baiser, this new Digital Street Art experience is as amazing as it is poetic.
With this surprising "digital" street art, he gives life to characters full of anecdotes and tender humor. For this new project, Julien was inspired by a phrase of the poet Alfred de Musset: "The only true language in the world is a kiss". He has thus projected on the walls of the capital nearly a hundred couples kissing, and reminds us that Paris remains obviously "The City of Love".

New Urban Safari in Orlando by Julien Nonnon
Article dans Fubiz
A few months ago, we presented you the Urban Safari project, imagined and realized by Julien Nonnon, from the creative studio Le3. This initiative mixing street-art and mapping proposed to the Parisians to see, in the four corners of the city and once the night fell, projections of animals on the facades and various buildings. Following the success of the first part, its creator decided to repeat the experience, but this time across the Atlantic, in the city of Orlando in Florida. Dressed like humans, cats, elks and other monkeys inhabit the city and provoke the surprise of passers-by.
Readjulien nonnon raises awareness by projecting endangered animals onto alpine mountains
Article dans designboom
‘crying animals,’ is the new photographic series by french artist julien nonnon, which aims to generate attention to the possible disappearance of symbolic animals from our mountains landscapes. by projecting their image onto vast alpine cliff-faces, the main concept behind the project is to show the public that the lives of these species in their natural habitat is in serious peril.